Harrison Bergeron, call your office

”All men are not created equal. It is the purpose of Government to make them so.”

Twitter is blowing over videos of this trans-dancer who was admitted to the royal Academy of Dance

Before you even read this story, enjoy this video of a talented young girl dancing to the same song as this middle-aged man in tights.

Which one is a graduate of the Royal Academy of Dance in Britain?

What's interesting is that the videos of this guy being shared right now aren't just in conservative-Twitter-land. If you scroll through results, you'll find people of all political persuasions in multiple languages, from German to Spanish to Japanese, talking about this.

I assume most FWIW readers are familiar with Vonnegut’s short story, written in 1961 and wildly optimistic — he set it in 2081, not 2023 — but if not, or you want to refresh that memory, its full text is here.

It begins like this:

Disney did it better, one ago.