New listing on Wooddale Road

17 Wooddale Road, 2001 construction, $8.595 million. The owners paid $6.175 for it in the summer of ‘21, so this might seem a tad aggressive, but Wooddale’s an attractive street that has previously hosted sales in this price range and even above, so we’ll see.

There’s an interesting price history here: The previous owners purchased it in 2004 for $6.875, but when they went to resell it in 2011 and priced it at $7.295, the house, and its owners, went nowhere. Finally, ten years later these people showed up and bought it, as said, for $6.175.

Part of that delay can be attributed to the spectacular crash of ‘08, and the resulting collapse of the mid-to-high-end of the market, a period of gloom that persisted until 2021. Of course, it was just gloomy for sellers: I had a grand time finding half-priced mansions for my buyer/clients during those years, and we were all happy and cheerful. In real estate, shoes change feet on a regular basis.