They wanted them, they got 'em — what's the beef? (UPDATED)

“Welcome to your new home!” De Blasio declares New York a Sanctuary city

The Mayor of Sanctuary City — that’s New York City to the unwoke —claims that illegal aliens are to blame for his $4.2B budget deficit.

Fu*k ‘im. He’s complaining about just 50,000 illegals, while 4.9 million of them — that’s the population of Ireland, although the Irish can speak English, after a fashion, and can be trained to do simple tasks — have come in since Biden opened the border. What about all the cities and small towns that have been swamped by this horde? Too bad they don’t have easy access to the media the way Adams does.

But the fun’s just beginning: On May 11th, the Title 42 COvvid exclusion ends (not that Biden ever really enforced it), and the number of friends-we-haven’t- met-yet-but- will is expected to at least double. Already, they’re camped out at the border, ready to swarm into our country. Even a dolt like Adams can understand that:

“Thousands of people are waiting to come across the border and potentially come to New York City,” Adams warned. “So 52,000 can jump to 100,000, if we don’t get this under control. It does this great city a disservice and we’re calling on the Biden-Harris administration, the United States Department of Homeland Security, they must use all tools that are available to resolve this issue.”

Oh, boo hoo, hoo.

belle haven domestics and their employers demonstrate at rally to “make service workers affordable again”

UPDATE: Wow, I posted the picture above with an (invented) caption to point out the hidden agenda of these people, but lo, far-left congressman Japal has just said it out loud: We need these people to pick our fruit and clean our homes”. She’s right, of course, but these humanitarians aren’t supposed to say that out loud.