Wait, wait! I thought the science on this "life-saving" surgery was settled!

NIH recruiting 18-year-olds to study unknown side effects of castration

NIH study recruiting 18-year-olds to learn 'unknown' side effects of testicle removal for gender dysphoria

The NIH research said the side effects of surgically removing testicles from biological males has 'not been extensively studied'

The National Institutes of Health is funding a study via a women's health grant that is recruiting people as young as 18 to uncover what it acknowledges as the "unknown" cardiovascular effects of surgically removing testicles on patients diagnosed with gender dysphoria

The observational study is looking for 30 gender diverse biological male participants who are interested in the orchiectomy procedure, which has also been referred to as "surgical castration" in medical literature. 

The chief investigator is Dr. Sean Iwamoto, an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. (Anschutz, Auschwitz, Iceberg, Goldberg —same difference.)

"Trans women appear to be at greater risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and blood clots compared to non-trans adults. The effect of orchiectomy on CVD risk among trans women is unknown, but orchiectomy may change blood vessel function and metabolic health," the study said. 

Dr. Iwamototo's biography page on the medical school's website appeared to endorse a particular conclusion, calling the treatments "life-saving," which provide "maximal physical… benefits." 

Dr. Iwamoto said, "Better understanding acute and chronic effects of… gender-affirming surgery… will increase our confidence that these life-saving treatments provide maximal physical and mental health benefits and minimal risks, particularly related to cardiovascular disease."

We certainly want to be confident that we’re not harming young boys and men before we chop off their weenies, eh, Doctor? I mean, Dr. Levine says it’s all Jake, but are we sure he’s right?


Washington bill to allow medical transgender interventions on minors without parental consent