I don't want to harp on the subject, but this stuff just keeps coming up

a mother’s love know no bounds

Undercover video: puberty blockers at 8, surgery as young as 10 in New York

Who are these monsters?

David Strom, Hot Air:

Well, Project Veritas isn’t dead yet. They just released the first installment of an undercover investigation where gender-bending doctors talk about how they start puberty blockers as young as 8, and would do gender transition surgeries as young as 10 years old. Apparently such surgeries are routinely done at 14-15 years of age by these doctors, although they lament insurance won’t cover it that young.

These doctors are ghouls, laughing, joking, admitting that kids might regret their decisions but doing it nonetheless. Admitting that 14 may be too young for truly informed consent, but they are informed “enough.”

This is what sociopathy looks like. Pure consciencelessness.

We see the veneer of compassion presented to us by the Establishment, but the underlying reality is something utterly different. The people in the video are medical professionals who admit to fast-tracking children into irreversible choices, bullying children by threatening them with a parade of horribles if they don’t consent to be butchered.

One of the doctors who spoke to his colleagues at WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) flat out admits that Dutch studies show that many patients experience regret having given up their ability to have children. “We talk about it [with the kids] but most of the kids are nowhere in any kind of brain space to really talk about it in a serious way. That’s always bothered me…but you know, we still want the kids to be happy. Happier in the moment, right?”

Of course, happy or not, he pockets the fees. So what does he care, right?

More at the link.