The culture wars are really just a battle, just one front in the larger war, intended to divert us from noticing what's really going down — our country

CRT in our schools, sexualization of small children, post-partum abortion, woke corporations, and so on: we watch that, and yet the general public doesn’t see the even more serious advances being made by the socialist/communist enemies of Western democracy. Here in America, we’re witnessing, if not noticing: the destruction of our judicial system; the opening of our borders to the world; the weakening of our military; and the creation of a new, all-powerful, unelected fourth branch of government, the administrative state.

Right up there in the ranks of the most fundamental threats to the republic is the dismantling of our energy system, and here’s the next step, coming this week.

Biden administration preparing a major crackdown on the power plants that fuel the nation’s grid

Europe’s energy costs are already as much as ten times higher than in the United States, and the continent’s industry is dying. The people controlling the drive to destroy Western civilization want to bring that home to the U.S.

And our feckless politicians are going along with their plan, From the first article linked-to above:

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in June 2022 that an Obama-era rule limiting power plant emissions under the Clean Air Act was unconstitutional since Congress never granted the EPA the explicit power to issue such regulations. But the Inflation Reduction Act passed two months after that ruling allows the EPA to regulate greenhouse gas emissions.

Writing this post brought to mind Iris Dement’s song “Our Town”, a bittersweet lament for a dying town. It works just as well as a goodbye to a disappearing country.