Katie Pavlich sounds like a crazed tinfoil-hatter on this topic; should I be alarmed that I've been saying the same thing about "green energy" for at least a decade?

you will own nothing, and you will be happy

The Real Reason the Left Wants To Ban Gas-Powered Cars

…. To put it bluntly, these directives for change are suicidal — especially given politicians like Newsom know how quickly the grid gets overwhelmed. 

To the contrary, Elon Musk, the creator of the most successful electric car company in the world, warns that the United States — not to mention the rest of the globe — isn't ready for a rapid transition to electric. 

"Realistically, I think we need to use oil and gas in the short term because otherwise, civilization will crumble," Musk said last fall during a conference in Norway. "One of the biggest challenges the world has ever faced is the transition to sustainable energy and to a sustainable economy. That will take some decades to complete."

In addition, Americans can't afford the move, and the sales numbers at car dealerships across the country prove it. How will regular people get to work when their affordable, gas-powered vehicles are illegal or no longer available for purchase and repair? 

…. Musk is right. Civilization will crumble without oil and gas, so why are the Biden administration and their globalist, elite allies trying to accelerate the collapse? If U.S. infrastructure isn't capable of handling the switch to electric, and Americans can't afford to buy electric cars, how is this new and alternative utopia going to come to fruition?

To critically thinking people, these facts don't logically add up to a good faith effort to save the environment. Instead, it raises red flags about the true intention of the rapid shift. This is especially true given those who are pushing the shift most aggressively. John Kerry and Bill Gates, for example, aren't changing their own habits of private jet use, SUVs and luxury, living in mansions or ornate government buildings. So what's going on here? 

Catastrophes enable government control. Look no further than the recent COVID-19 pandemic, which was extended for years by bureaucrats and politicians interested in exercising power over the population as long as possible, for proof. The coming government-inflicted mobility crisis will be similar to the pandemic response, with directives about who can work, when, how long, where they can travel, whether you really need to travel to church and much more. A lack of gas-powered vehicles means forced reliance on public transportation. It will cripple life in rural America, forcing moves into the cities. Social credit scores regarding travel, like the ones we're already seeing when purchasing airline tickets, will certainly be implemented.

Bottom Line:

The government-mandated move to electric vehicles has nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with the left's vision for America: tyrannical government control.

Pavlich focuses on battery cars in this article, but her point: this is all about controlling the masses and making them entirely dependent on their government masters for the necessities of survival can be extended to the entire push to deindustrialize the west.