So, what happened to all the transvestites? (UPDATED)

where’d i go? what happened?

The term “transvestite” seems to have disappeared from the lexicon — except here — and now all the pretty horses in petticoats are “transgender”. There used to be a difference: transvestites insisted that they were really men who liked to wear wigs and pantyhose, but were males (albeit, usually gay males) deep in their souls. Today, the drag queens entertaining kindergartners call themselves women who just happened to have unfortunately been born with penises and testicles, and their champions in the media and medical professions agree: slip on a dress, slather pancake on your cheeks (both sets?), and presto! Welcome to the girls club and the new biology.

It’s a mystery.

back when men were men, and women (mostly) ruled the cosmetics aisle

And coming soon (if it’s not already here: the Paper of Prophecy has supplied the following picture)