Hypocrisy, thy name is Paccininno (UPDATED)

st. gregory calls down god’s grace and love on all god’s creatures, the wicked and the profane ALIKE

I have no dog in the fight going on over how large a school we need to accommodate students at a new Central Middle School; the contestants can work it out for themselves, but when one of the warriors couches his argument in hand-wringing, “Oh, this so offends me as a member of the saintly choir” sentiments, well, it raises my hackles.


Letter to the Editor. How Politics Can Poison the Well

Submitted by Greg Piccininno, member of the CMS building committee. These views are his as a resident

I have never been attracted to politics or for that matter to a public life. When I was a young man, it was clear to me from what I saw on the evening news that politicians tend to be hypocritical. I noticed that most politicians struggled to give straight answers to simple questions. Even “yes or no” questions provoked long winded replies that left me scratching my head. I also noticed that they often did not practice what they preached.

Not wishing to compromise my own moral standards, I had managed to steer clear of politics.

Hence, when I was asked to be on the Central Middle School Building Committee (CMSBC) I was honored and joined it with a positive spirit and a commitment to build the best school at the most efficient cost to Greenwich taxpayers. What I did not realize was how easily a building committee could become prisoner to the divisive politics of our time and our town. I assumed naively that because our task was limited to the Educational Specifications (EdSpecs) of the project, politics would not intrude with our ability to do our work. I was wrong.

[And so on — Mr. Paccininno is unhappy about how the scope of the new Central Middle School has been reduced. He concludes with this brave, noble vow:]

Perhaps I should have heeded all those who questioned my willingness to join a town committee, however that decision has been taken and now I will endure for the duration, and I will not allow politicians to damage a good thing.

CHASER: this apolitical, moral citizen has a Twitter account, @GregPiccininno, on which can be found this delightful post from 29 March 2023:

Perhaps dealing with all that cruelty sent his way by wicked non-gin & tonic Republicans has unhinged this poor man’s mind. Or it’s just as possible that “his own moral standards” were different from those of normal people, all along.

Bonus Material: More on the Moron

A Piccininno fan has sent along additional tweets that this RINO has posted, and they aren’t particularly surprising. Fun, but not surprising. Still. what’s with his interest in homosexuality and penises? Is this a cry for help?

Asking for a compassionate and concerned friend.

A fan asks,

why hasn't anyone mentioned that tweet where he suggests trump behaves like NAZIS?


or the one where he calls ronny jackson a "closeted homo or a pedo"?


or where he calls the children of a TN Rep "future child killers"?


or when he calls clarence thomas an "affirmative action" justice?


or the meme about marjorie taylor greene?


maybe the time he suggests Trump has a "small cock"?


so how exactly did he get put onto the building committee?