Strange experiments in pricing

I’ve reported on the travails of 241 Bedford Road in the past, most recently here, in February, when it dropped its price to $5.195. Today it’s been reduced again, to $5.150. Will a $45,000 difference coax heretofore-reluctant buyers out of the woodwork and induce them to make a bid? Well, raising the price from $4.995 to $5.495 in January didn’t work, so at least the owner has figured that out.

It started at $6.495 million last June, expired unsold in December at $4.995, even though the seller would have accepted cryptocurrency, and then, as noted was jacked up, sans Bitcoin, to the aforementioned $5.495. Price discovery continues.

The owner paid $5.765 for this property in 2009, so, sadly, its value seems to be as ephemeral as cryptocurrencies’.