Well, if the mumbling turnip's handlers won't control the border, we're lucky they have friends who will; I guess.

Former Yuma Border Patrol chief says the end of Title 42 won’t bring chaos: the cartels that control our border are making too much money to allow chaos to erupt

There's money to be made every time a person crosses the border. 

'If they make it a big disaster by having disorganized chaos there's going to be a response. Even this administration is going to say OK we gotta stop this for a couple of days.'  [bolding added]

Closing the border to stem chaos would be bad for business.

'It's like the American mafia,' he said. 'Everybody was on the same page and if somebody got out of line and went and roughed somebody up, or stole, or killed somebody, that brought unnecessary attention. This is the same. 

'They have adjusted their business model to handle a few thousand a day. If you have too many or cause too much chaos, it's going to hurt profits.'

What is this, except a deliberate plan to destroy the United States? It is not mere incompetence or intentional, it’s policy.

Paula Bolyard:

It’s difficult to wrap one’s mind around the scope of the immigration crisis in the United States. There are currently estimated to be more than 11 million people here illegally—that’s more than the populations of Belize, Costa Rica, and Panama combined. The lax border-control policies of the last several decades have essentially dumped enough illegal aliens into the U.S. to fill three entire countries.

And that’s before the floodgates open on Thursday when Joe Biden lifts Title 42 COVID regulations and throws open the border.

There’s a massive surge of migrants amassed at the border right now, threatening to blow through our southern boundary and overwhelm the meager resources Biden has sent to deal with the problem. The administration is warning that 13,000 migrants could cross the border every single day. If you extrapolate that over a year, that’s 4.7 million people coming over the border—more than the population of Panama.