It would take a man with a heart of stone not to laugh — Red State's Bonchie is not that man

al aboard to the windy city

Chicago residents learn that chickens come home to roost, and they explode in anger and disbelief


A Chicago-area town hall erupted into chaos recently after South Shore leaders announced that they would be receiving just 250 to 500 illegal immigrants at a local facility. Residents launched into apoplectic rage, demanding to know why they weren’t consulted. In another instance, a local alderwoman proclaimed to cheers that Chicago’s broader emergency doesn’t denote an emergency for their community, a clear message of “not in my backyard.”

We’ll get to the context that makes this all the more hilarious in a moment, but first, here’s the clip.

From start to finish, that clip is just a work of art. In the beginning, we see Chicago’s “chief engagement officer” (I have no idea what that is), an obviously very left-wing individual, lecturing the audience on seeing the situation as a humanitarian crisis. The video then cut to residents shouting and screaming over those speaking as things careen out of control. Things then shift to an alderwoman from the 8th ward pleasing the crowd by rallying against the transfer of illegal immigrants. Finally, the clip ends with another woman in the audience angrily asking, “How could you do that without consulting us!?”

Here’s the problem, though, and what makes all these complaints so laughable. That woman and everyone else in the audience were consulted, at least in one significant way. Namely, who they chose to vote for.

South Shore, Chicago, is 92.7 percent black. It is one of the most Democrat-heavy areas of the entire city. What exactly did they think they were going to get when they overwhelmingly supported Joe Biden during the 2020 election? And overwhelmingly elected Democrat representatives again in 2022? The desire to institute open-border policies was not a secret. It was openly advertised at debates and in campaign ads.

I’m not trying to be overly harsh because I get the frustration these people are showing, but this is what consequences look like, and it’s time for Democrat-led cities to suffer a bit. They voted for politicians and policies but now don’t want to live by the results. Instead, these Chicago residents presumably believe small border towns in Texas should have to continue to bear the brunt of their voting choices.