These are the only Harkles stories I'll read

Megan Fox: The Weird Lies Harry and Meghan tell

The Duke and Duchess of Exaggeration are at it again. They simply cannot stay out of the limelight for long because they value their privacy (or something). Meghan Markle was accused during the coronation of calling paparazzi to take photos of her while she was hiking. There doesn’t seem to be any other explanation for how paparazzi would show up in exactly the right place on a deserted California hiking trail to catch the complaining Duchess mid-hike. American magazines aren’t so interested in the Harkles (as they’re called by some) that they are stalking them, are they? Or is it more likely that the attention-starved woman who didn’t get an invite to the coronation wanted to make sure she wasn’t forgotten?

But this isn’t the weirdest Harkles tale. Oh no. It gets a whole lot weirder.

…. [J]ust a few days after his plea for special protection was denied, [Harry] and his wife were conveniently in a “near catastrophic” car incident that was blamed on paparazzi, according to their representative. This story quickly fell apart, however. The Harkles claimed they were scared for their lives after leaving an event where Meghan was being given an award for something no one cares about. While in their vehicle, the couple claimed to have been surrounded by paparazzi and chased for two hours in the streets of New York City where they had to hop into a cab to try to escape the masses of cameramen.

They also claimed that people were nearly killed, like two NYPD officers and pedestrians. They also alleged that someone’s car was hit. (Not theirs, but someone’s.) The couple’s spokesperson was communicating with Page Six (a gossip site that you would think they would avoid as people who want privacy and hate the media.)

“The trio left the event in an SUV around 10 p.m., and were immediately followed by around 12 paparazzi, we’re told.

They eventually decided to ditch their original vehicle and jump into a yellow cab in hopes of evading photogs, a source claims.

The insider alleges that one cameraman hit a car while another almost ran over an NYPD officer during the “near-fatal” chase.”

This exaggerated tale fell apart when NYPD weighed in.

“There were numerous photographers that made their transport challenging,” a police spokesperson recalled of the ordeal.

“The Duke and Duchess of Sussex arrived at their destination, and there were no reported collisions, summonses, injuries or arrests in regard.”

The high-ranking police insider added, “We only had one car as part of this. [The chase] definitely wasn’t two hours.”

The royals’ spokesperson previously told Page Six that the “relentless pursuit” lasted more than two hours and resulted in “multiple near collisions” with drivers, pedestrians and two NYPD officers.

The only value these two dreadful people can offer the media is dishing dirt on the Royal Family. Unless Harry can come up with more “recovered memories” (which I wouldn’t rule out), he and his poppet will blessedly sink into the LA quagmire of has-beens and queens for a day; their phoney car chase shows that they’re aware of that, but incidents like this will only postpone, not forestall, the day of reckoning.