And these are the people our Navy is trying to recruit?

Portland State U. Gives Pro-LGBTQ Students Cotton Candy and Coloring to Ease Anxiety

“a response to a visit by free-thinking scholars and gender critical activists to debate the issue of giving children puberty blockers and other medical procedures”

Legal Insurrection:

Portland State University will offer its pro-LGBTQ students cotton candy and coloring for a week to celebrate trans and gender-nonconforming students and provide support for those troubled by emerging legislation across the nation that seeks to protect female-only spaces.

A memo written by President Stephen Percy cites growing “anti-trans bills in legislatures across the country” and pledges to provide a “safe space for all members of the LGBTQAI+ community.”

Although the memo does not explicitly state it, the safe space is likely a response to a visit by free-thinking scholars and gender critical activists to debate the issue of giving children puberty blockers and other medical procedures at Portland State University.

With that, the public institution will host “Trans and Gender Expansive Celebration and Community Hour” each day for a week from noon to 1 p.m. in its Queer Resource Center. On hand will be cotton candy, temporary tattoos and coloring, according to the memo.

I suppose the thinking is that if our enemies are doubled over with laughter, they can’t attack, but it still strikes me as a queer defense strategy.