They're both right: I DO hate them, and it IS a culture war
/as it turns out, we couldn’t; we had a good run, though
I really don’t have much to say about the Trump indictment, other than observing that the has crossed the Rubicon, and we are now a lawless nation. So instead of discussing that, I thought I’d run with this post that I was working on yesterday.
I tolerated liberals for decades, beginning in college, and through law school, and into the late 90s, but that tolerance slowly eroded as the morons stopped even pretending to have logic as a backstop for their opinions, and simply stuck their fingers in their ears, squeezed shut their eyes, and screamed “Fascist! Sexist! Racist! Literally Hitler! Homophobe! Mother Gaia Rapist!” etc. It was probably when Obama came in that their hysterics turned to personal hate directed at all who opposed them, and in return, I began to hate them back. They are destroying our country and our liberties, and mere disdain and contempt toward them is an inadequate response. So hate it is.
Not all liberals, of course. A few of them seem nice enough, just stupid, but for every decent human buried deep within their ignorance, there are a million people like the two below, and I’m happy to sling their hate right back into their faces.
NYT Columnist Charles Blow says “oppressive impulses” motivate bans on child sex changes
Blow has previously attacked conservatives, saying he has no desire to reach out to supporters of former President Donald Trump. Blow said he had “no patience for liberal talk of reaching out to Trump voters,” in a Feb. 23, 2017 column in the New York Times. “No one need try to convince me otherwise. The effort is futile; my conviction is absolute,” he said. “This is a culture war in which truth is the weapon, righteousness the flag and passion the fuel.”
Screw you both.