Brave, independent thinkers

transgender brownie

Forty percent of Brown University students now claim to be queer, women, hmos hardest hit

Most of the students who identified as LGBTQ+ told the survey they were bisexual - 53.71 percent, up from 41.01 percent in 2010.

The gay or lesbian population has increased by 26 percent and the percentage of students identifying as bisexual has increased by 232 percent, the poll found.

The survey carried out by student paper the Brown Daily Herald, also found that of those who identified as LGBTQ+, only 22.9 percent of students described themselves as homosexual - down from 46 percent in 2010.

Former Brown Professor Dr. Lisa Littman popularized the idea of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria which theorizes that some people identify as transgender because of peer pressure.

She was eventually forced out of the college over the controversy caused by the theory.

Eric Kaufmann, one of the researcher who works for the Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology, told the College Fix that despite the mass growth in LGBTQ identification, sexual activity among those groups is not necessarily keeping up.

He noted that bisexual identification, for instance - which grew by 232 percent at Brown University - far exceeds bisexual sexual activity.

If this was about people feeling able to come out, then we should have seen these two trends rise together,' he said.

'What we find instead is that identity is rising much faster than behavior, indicating that people with occasional rather than sustained feelings of attraction to the opposite sex are increasingly identifying as LGBT.'

Kaufmann added: 'There are two theories, that greater tolerance is allowing more to come out of the closet, or Bill Maher's assertion that LGBT is trendy among some youth. I think the second theory better fits the data and explains more of why the rise occurred.

'For those in elite settings like top universities, there is also a political motivation linked to resisting oppressors or dominant power structures.'

If college students can be convinced by mere peer pressure to change something as basic as their sexual identity, there’s little hope that they’ll resist other demands to conform, such as current groupthink politics, or the discarding of western civilization.

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