Fortunately, they offer recreational activity time in federal country clubs

Hunter’s no-prison, misdemeanor tax fraud plea bargain fell part this morning. Probably lots of reasons why it did, including the cascade of new evidence that’s coming to light, but his defense lawyers’ attempt to deceive the court yesterday was sure to put the sentencing judge in a bad mood.

These guys were supposed to be good, not reckless morons.

UPDATE: Damnit, it’s back together. Hunter escapes punishment for his drug, gun and tax crimes through 2019, but will be subject to “future prosecution”, if any emerges going forward. There will be no such thing, assuming the Democrats retain control in 2024.

We’re living in lawless times.

UPDATED AGAIN: It’s off again, or so reports the WSJ, which is usually at least somewhat accurate (I cancelled my subscription months go because I’d grown tired of the creeping leftward tilt in its reporting, and now I notice that my account’s back — sneaky people, and now I have to go through the process again. In the meantime, the link should work, so there’s that.)