Count on it


“Alongside climate groups, many of Biden’s allies in Congress have urged him to invoke emergency powers, which would enable the president to take sweeping action to restrain greenhouse gas production, implement large-scale clean transportation solutions and finance distributed energy projects, among other actions.”

David Strom’s latest: What Next, a Climate Emergency?

All summer we have been bombarded by propaganda about how global warming has been sparking environmental disasters.

It’s pretty obvious this is a coordinated effort. Wildfires in Canada that were indeed caused by human activity–arson, to be precise–are being blamed on climate change. Wildfires in California, and now a tropical storm, have gotten the same treatment. And who can forget the initial “climate change” explanation for the Lahaina fire, which died down for a few days but is getting back into full swing?

In the latter two cases, the fires were sparked by poor maintenance by power companies that have been laser-focused on renewable generation rather than doing basic preventive maintenance, with an assist from poor forest management.

Wildfires are nothing new and in fact are a necessary part of the cycle of life in nature. They are a problem and must be managed because they present a danger to human beings, not because they are somehow surprising and new.

They do, however, present a great opportunity for propaganda.


The propaganda has been leading to one place: the declaration of a climate “emergency.”

You can bet that sometime in the next couple of years Biden will declare a climate emergency because, well, he can.

The COVID lockdown was just a proof of concept exercise; now that they know they can overrule laws, regulations, the Constitution, individuals’ rights, and liberties and get away with it, do you really think that they’ll resist the temptation to take complete control? I’m convinced they won’t.