Shorelands sale

2 Fairgreen Lane, Old Greenwich, 1921 construction with a detached single-car garage was listed at $3.395 million and has sold for $3,617,000. Gosh.

Listing agent Daphne Lamsvelt-Pol insists that, unlike most in Shorelands, this house is not in the flood zone, but can you really rely on a Dutch girl’s estimation of sea level when her whole country lies 15’ below the Zuiderzee? I think not.

By the way, the offering specifically excluded the ceiling light and sconce in the master bathroom. $3.6 million, and they can’t afford a couple of new lights? Here they are: go figure.

On the other hand, look at this bold departure from the conventional ZEBRA — smart move Daphne, and it’s no wonder the house flew off the market at a record price:

Introducing mr. tiger!