NYT's David Brooks complains about the high cost of an airport triple-scotch and burger, and someone responds perfectly (Updated)
/Ooo, poor Daywee — who knew prices are sky high at airports? Americans think the economy is lousy because they have to pay exorbitant amounts for ordinary food at plebeian supermarkets, not because NYT opinionists are being gouged at jetport bars; the latter is a plus.
And those supermarket prices are killers, as this guy points out:
UPDATE: Two double scotches @$28 per, $18 hamburger and fries — like most people, Brooks would be better off staying off the computer after heavy drinking.
The restaurant's owner, Maurice Hallett, speculated on what likely made Brooks' tab so high in comments made to the New York Post:
Hallett guessed that in order to reach a $78 tab, Brooks would have had to have “two doubles.”
He said a double whiskey costs between $28 and $29.