Just like open borders, shutting down the economy is a deliberate policy
John Hinderaker:
Grid Brief performs the valuable service of reminding us where our electricity comes from, thus dispelling the fog of misinformation that surrounds “green” energy. This chart shows hourly sources of electricity for the week from December 31 to January 7.
It shows that essentially, America runs on natural gas. Coal and nuclear, both cheap and reliable, vie for second place. Hydropower is a useful if relatively minor player. Wind is ridiculous: it contributes little, and that little rises and falls randomly, needlessly complicating the jobs of grid operators. Solar power is not quite as silly as wind, but is reliably unreliable. Why does the energy generated by natural gas rise and fall during any 24-hour cycle? Because grid operators have to turn natural gas plants up when it gets dark, or solar power is otherwise unavailable. Otherwise, gas plants could operate with boring regularity.
It is almost unbelievable that the Biden administration is doing its best to shut down natural gas plants, along with dismantling coal altogether. With what will these plentiful and reliable sources of energy be replaced? Wind and solar? That is not a serious proposal.
Hinderaker to the contrary, not at all “almost unbelievable” that we’re shutting down our sources of reliable energy; that’s been the goal of the Greens for decades; proposed new pipelines are blocked, as they were in Connecticut and other New England states, exiting ones are being shut down, as they are in Michigan, and existing coal plants are being dismantled to make room for windmill projects, as one was just this past October in New Jersey. Britain has been quite open about why they’re blowing up, rather than just shutting down fossil fuel power plants: they want to remove the possibility of them being brought back on line, even temporarily, during emergencies.
Well meaning, but naive people think that this stuff can all be reversed when it proves impossible to run an economy on scarce, variable energy: car manufacturers will restart their gasoline engine production lines (which will be gone), they believe, appliance makers can go back to producing appliances that actually work, and power plants will be restarted by simply flipping a switch. That’s not how this works, and the Greens know that. Did you really think that the world could be shut down “for two weeks, to flatten the curve” and then switched back on easily and without harm, as gullible people like Trump did? I certainly didn’t, and our homegrown enemies of America didn’t either. It’s intentional, and part of the plan.