David Rafferty's Mascara Boy squeaks

hail, columbia

This particular specimen of a privileged, sexually disoriented individual almost certainly poses no physical threat to anyone: a sharp heel of the palm into his nose would doubtless send him squealing back to his dormitory in tears, barely able to sob out his tale of wickedness to his girlfriends, but his hateful threats are still threats. Expel him? Heaven forfend; Columbia subscribes to the Rafferty school of higher education, a philosophy that cherishes all expression, so long as it’s the right (well, left) expression.

Here again is a sample of Greenwich resident David Rafferty’s screed style (there are many to choose from):

David Rafferty: Colleges are businesses. Students upset about protests can take their business elsewhere

…. Which is exactly what scares the deplorables when they see a boy on campus wearing mascara and a Me-Too T-shirt. They can’t, or won’t, see past his looks to see the critical thinker studying economics to better understand how climate change disrupts the supply chain. What the deplorables actually can’t stand is that mascara boy will be smarter and more successful than they will be. Because done properly, higher education makes you better, so of course they have to hate the universities. 

But if you stay, then that’s on you. Anyone currently on a campus where the protests and counter-protests, violence and fear is still front and center, well, you can’t say you didn’t have options.

So shut up and take it, Jew boy — we’re talking human rights here! Power to the people, right on! Or, as Rafferty’s father Jeff once put it, in another context, “acid is groovy; kill the pigs!” (Okay, Dr. MacDonald was probably no relation to Greenwich Rafferty, but he was on my mind just now, and I thought I’d toss him into the mix, just for fun. Whackos belong together.)