Prediction: their appeal will be, er, "selective"

Camouflage: it’s not just for cisgenders anymore

Powerline’s John Hinderaker has thoughts:

Manly Masculine Macho Men for the Wimp

As we have noted more than once, the Democrats are panicking over the fact that male voters, especially minorities, are deserting the Harris-Walz ticket. Thus, they have made absurdly clumsy attempts to associate their far-left, matriarchal ticket with masculinity.

Now we learn that Tim Walz is heading up a last-minute effort to draw hunters and fishermen into the Democratic camp. They placed an article in Outdoor Life magazine:

Later today the Harris-Walz presidential campaign will announce the formation of a coalition of hunters, anglers, and gun owners and tomorrow Democratic vice-presidential candidate and sitting governor of Minnesota Tim Walz will kick off his state’s pheasant opener with a stage-managed event in southern Minnesota.

That event happened yesterday, and it gave rise to peals of laughter as Walz was apparently unable to operate his shotgun. But at least Outdoor Life acknowledged that the “pheasant hunt” was a “stage-managed event,” whereas the Star Tribune, with doglike loyalty to its party, headlined “Walz takes a break from the campaign trail to hunt in Minnesota’s pheasant opener.” Right. From Outdoor Life:

Sources in the Harris-Walz campaign confirmed today that a broad coalition of rural, conservation-minded, and what the campaign calls “responsible gun owners” will hold its first organizing call on Monday. Creation of the coalition is intended to create a “permission structure for those who simply love to hunt, fish, and be outside, to join the Harris-Walz campaign,” said a campaign staffer who spoke on background.