I’d thought he was going to go after our and Europe's open borders, but Stephen Hayward has a bigger target in mind

InstaPundit’s Sarah Hoyt combines the two, and I’m sure Hayward would agree: WELFARE STATE COMBINED WITH OPEN BORDERS. YOU CAN’T AFFORD FERAL CULTURES COMING FOR HANDOUTS:

Here’s PowerLien’s Hayward:

A Parable of the Welfare State?

“The New York Times ran what I am sure they thought was just a mildly amusing human interest story a few days back:”

Woman Calls 911 When 100 Aggressive Raccoons Show Up in Her Yard

The Washington State resident fed some friendly critters for years. Then, their mean friends turned up.

For more than 35 years, a woman in Washington State would leave some food in her yard for about a dozen resident raccoons.

“The key word in that sentence is “dozen.” ‘

Six weeks ago, the number of raccoons began to increase. “Somehow the word got out in raccoon land, and they all showed up to her house expecting a meal,” Kevin McCarty, a spokesman for the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office, told NBC 9 news. . .

The newer raccoons began scratching around the woman’s house near Poulsbo, Wash., all night demanding food. “Anytime she comes out of her home, they swarm her until she throws them food,” the sheriff’s department said in a statement. “The normal raccoons that she feeds are nice, but the new ones showing up scare her.”

By last Thursday afternoon, the newly scary raccoons had grown to a horde of about 100, prompting the woman, whose name has not been released, to call 911. Her concern was increased by the newer arrivals’ greater aggression after years of dealing with a relatively docile, much smaller band.

Hayward: “We are—or should be—familiar with the warnings at Yellowstone and other national parks not to feed the wildlife because it makes them fat and dependent. Why isn’t this lesson applied to humans who become dependent on public assistance, and who over time become surly with entitlement to public assistance?”