This news item in initially presented as an amusing stupid crook tale, but who's more dangerous, the criminal or the judge? Jail 'em both, for years.

Ex NFL-er released from jail after fumbling $1.2 million cash heist in 2021: report

A former pro football player’s plot to rob $1.2 million in marijuana profits three years ago went awry when he discovered the bags full of stolen cash were too heavy to carry — so he chucked them in the Colorado woods and ran away.

But Devin Aguilar — a former college standout who briefly played for the Tennessee Titans more than a decade ago — made another big mistake during the previously unreported December 2021 heist: He forgot his gloves in one of the money bags, which CBS News said was later found by the cops.


On the day of the crime — Dec. 1, 2021 — the washed-up athlete dressed in black from head to toe, pulled out his pistol and snuck up on a transport van driver, who was pulling into the company garage with $1,224,785 from marijuana businesses throughout the state, CBS said.

The driver had no clue she was being tailed as she pulled into the holding facility — until Aguilar sprang up on her.

He got her out of the van, then held her at gunpoint as she filled the big trash bags with cash.

Read the full article to enjoy the stupidity, but the conclusion of the tale is infuriating, not funny:


Huya [the accomplice, who conspired for six months to plan and execute the theft with her boyfriend] … eventually admitted to her role in the scheme — took a plea bargain, admitted to armed robbery and was sentenced to six months in jail and probation, CBS reported.

Meanwhile, Aguilar also took a deal that let him plead guilty to felony theft and aggravated robbery.

Prosecutors asked Judge Joseph Whitfield to imprison him for 15 to 20 years — but the judge jailed him for just one year.

In the end, the gun-wielding thief served less than seven months behind bars.  

Both cops and the business he robbed were disgusted.

“It is not what we believe the suspect deserved, and we do not believe that the victims got the justice they deserved,” Cohn said.

A representative for the transport business echoed his comments and said they were “disappointed, but not surprised” that the “soft on crime” judge meted out such a weak punishment.

“We still rely on our justice system and hope that justice is equitable and appropriate for all involved parties … But I think that hope is fading.”

The driver added that she’s been suffering panic attacks and paranoia since the bone-chilling incident, and is now in therapy for anxiety.

Seven months in jail for armed robbery.