Too much fun to leave buried in the comments: thanks to Burning Madoff, we now know that there's such a thing as "Disaster Equity", and we’re getting it, good and hard

know you enemy (ies)

Person (she/her/it) on bottom left starts off with a confirmatory tribute to J.D. Vance — “My cat gets really loud sometimes, so you’ll have to allow for a little meowing” — and then gets to the heart of the matter:

“There are a couple of things that are intersecting in my mind [because what’s a discussion without mention of intersectionality?] — one of them is the culture of emergency management as an industry [got that right] — in the United States specifically, not abroad [because certain regions like, say, Africa and the Middle East don’t share the enlightened values of true Americans, and would hang the poofter in the upper box by his heels, and tell this cat lady to shut up, lock herself in her bedroom, and await the pleasure of her master]. ”

“The shift we’re seeing right now is the shift of emergency management from utilitarian principles — the greatest good for the greatest number of people – to disaster equity.”

Brace yerself, Bridget.