
ooooh, that's a toughie!

Twitchy has noticed something:

Over the past several days, Biden has upstaged his vice president by counterprogramming her speeches, directly contradicting her political attacks against Ron DeSantis, and basically throwing her under the bus at every opportunity. It has gotten so bad that sources have indicated it is nothing short of all-out war between Team Biden and Team Harris.

So what’s a Kamalla to do?

Not this, as pointed out by PJ Media’s Matt Margolis:

Kamala Harris might be more stupid than I thought. For weeks now, she been trying to position herself as the “change” candidate. Her campaign slogan is “A New Way Forward,” for crying out loud. There's no doubt that the primary goal of her presidential campaign is to distance herself from Joe Biden. Yet when a media appearance handed her an opportunity to put some distance between them, she choked.

You may remember that during an appearance on "The View" last week, Biden took a sledgehammer to the Harris campaign's "change" narrative.

"I'm in constant contact with her," he said. "We're singing from the same song sheet. We — she helped pass all the laws that are being deployed now. She was a major player in everything we've done, including passage of legislation we were told we could never pass. And she's been, and... her staff is interlocked with mine in terms of all the things we're doing."

The Harris campaign couldn't have been happy with that. In fact, according to a report from CNN, the campaign is desperately trying to find ways to highlight the differences between them.

"Top aides to Kamala Harris are heading into the final month of the 2024 presidential race still wrestling with how much distance she can credibly claim from Joe Biden as she looks for more ways to weave in breaks with him on the campaign trail," the outlet reported. 

Harris’s advisers know that “running as an extension of the president is not a strong position,” especially when there is rampant voter fatigue with the Biden administration.

RelatedJoe Biden Totally Wants Kamala Harris to Lose

Kamala appeared on “The View” on Tuesday for another softball interview, and the hosts gave her the opportunity on a silver platter to repair the damage Biden has done. She didn’t take it.

“As vice president, you worked closely with President Biden for almost four years. He was here on our show and he said there wasn’t a single thing that he did that you could not do. What do you think would be the biggest specific difference between your presidency and a Biden presidency?” co-host Sonny Hostin asked.

“We’re two different people, but we have a lot of shared life experiences, for example, the way we feel about our family and parents and so on, but we’re also different people,” Kamala replied. “I will bring those sensibilities to how I lead.”

“If anything, would you have done something differently than President Biden during the past four years?” Hostin followed up.

“There is not a thing that comes to mind,” Kamala replied. “And I’ve been part of most of the decisions that have had impact.”

UPDATE: She even had a second (well, 315th) chance, and she whiffed again.

I don’t think even another new accent will help her out this mess, but I guess her handlers have to try.