I suppose it's better that they spend their time doing this sort of thing than working to destroy our economy, our culture, and our country

Finger on the Pulse: Amy Klobuchar Passes Vital Legislation to Make the Bald Eagle Our National Bird

Amy Curtis:

This writer will make an embarrassing confession: she never knew the bald eagle wasn't the official national bird until today (more on that in a second. Yeah, she knows about how Benjamin Franklin proposed making the turkey the national bird [a myth — didn’t happen — Ed] , but she had always just assumed whatever the government needed to do to make the bald eagle our mascot was done ages ago.

Guess not.

On one hand, this writer is fine with Congress passing stupid bills like this. It shouldn't spend any tax money, and it's not some nanny state policy that attempts to run her life.

On the other hand, if this is what Congress is doing, maybe they need to spend even less time in D.C.

One commenter added “reader context”:

The commenter goes on to ask “What else is in that bill?” showing a cynical distrust of of our leaders. Sad.

(You can find a history of the 1784 designation of the eagle as our national bird and the reaffirmation of that resolution on August 26 1916 here.)