The second time as farce

Nancy Pelosi Tells Jen Psaki That Putin Has Something Financial on Trump

As you all know, Jen Psaki, whom Karine Jean-Pierre makes look like a genius, made the lateral move from reading the White House talking points from the press briefing room to her own show on MSNBC. Psaki had Rep. Nancy Pelosi as a guest, and among the topics that "we're all wondering" about is … what does Vladimir Putin have on Donald Trump?

So we're going back to the Russia well. That's not surprising. Pelosi surmised that it's probably something financial. So it's not a pee-pee tape this time around? Or naked photos?

…. Hillary Clinton tweeted out a statement about Trump's alleged backdoor server connection to Russia's Alfa Bank … a fiction that was devised by her very own campaign staff.

Of course, she knew it was a lie. The FBI knew it was a lie as well according to the Durham Report, but was ordered to open an investigation anyway.