As Gay Jews for Jesus cheer

“you don’t understand — the children of allah don’t look down on gays, we look up to them!”

In a departure from standard Sharia law, Iraq parliament has softened its punishment for gays and will no longer throw them off buildings or hang them from cranes — 15 years imprisonment will now suffice.

Iraq's parliament passed a law on Saturday criminalizing same-sex relationships with a maximum 15-year prison sentence, saying the move aimed to uphold religious values. Rights advocates condemned the law as the latest attack on the LGBT community in Iraq.

“This is simply marvelous”, Trey Rosenthal (thrs/turzip/whatver), president of the Brandeis chapter of Jews for Hamas told FWIW. “Not that there will be any Jews of any sexual persuasion left in the Middle East by the end of this decade, but we love all of our brothers and sisters and confused genderites of whatever religion they may celebrate, so any compassion shown to them can only help make this a better world. I mean, the old noose-around-the-neck thing was pretty permanent, but 15 years? Heck, you could do that bending over.”