This may be one of those rare cases where a house really does have to wait for "the right buyer"

That’s a common excuse for homeowners who have merely overpriced their house, but 295 Taconic Road really is unique, and will appeal only to a small number of buyers, so in this instance, yeah, the owners will just have to wait. I notice that they cut its price yesterday from $3.250 million, to $2.750 , and that doesn’t surprise me, although I think it’s the nature of house itself that’s making for a slow sale, rather than (solely) the price.

It’s a grand antique, which much renovation completed, but with more work still to be done. Houses that are “projects” narrow the buying pool considerably, “antiques” still more, and a location far from town eliminates still another demographic. I love the house and would be very happy in it, and I’d be glad to finish the renovations, but I’m not in the market. Someone will eventually come along who shares my taste and preferences but who, unlike myself, has disposable funds.

I wrote about it here when it came on the market in March, and you can get its details and read some enlightening readers’ comments at that link.