You may call it looting, the UN Secretary General calls it a "self-distribution of supplies"
/$320 million, tiwce the original estimate, and climbing. Biden’s landbridge to Gaza is a debacle
The main issue, according to Waltz, is that the delivery outside of Gaza has not been the issue, but rather what happens once the aid is delivered across the border, at which point the aid faces the same issues as land-based delivery.
"It’s going to run into the exact same problems the land routes have faced once it gets across the border," Waltz argued. "The trucks get ransacked. They get attacked. When they do make it to the warehouse, it’s Hamas controlling the warehouses."
"Whether the trucks come from the sea or whether they come from land, they're going to run into the same buzzsaw of issues once they get inside.
Because of corruption and because they're being run by a terrorist dictatorship that is going to use aid to, one, feed and arm and resource itself, with more nutrients and medical supplies and fuel and what have you," he added. "Then, secondarily, use it as a lever to make sure the Palestinian people don't rise up against them."