I wonder how smart it is to remind the public that he's used the state's judicial power to attack and torment his chief political enemy?

“We are a nation of law – my law!”

Biden intends to inject himself (publicly — he’s been there all along behind the screen) into the Trump verdict. The millions of true Trump haters will cheer, but they’ve been cheering since the FBI raids and show trials began; it strikes me that, from polls I’ve read, a majority of Americans see these trials for what they are, and the White House piling on will just drive home the point that our Department of Justice has become a partisan tool, rather than the independent agency we all pretended to believe it was.

Maybe all will go swimmingly for the gang, but Biden’s handlers’ jubilance at the prospect of finally jumping into this farce strikes me as incautious.

And praising the judicial system now, when Hunter’s gun trial is set to begin in two weeks, may also pose a bit of a trap. Of course, the First son is to be tried in D.C., so the outcome: acquittal, is almost guaranteed, but a tad risky nonetheless.