When you have clueless city dwellers edit your reporting, only bad things can happen — such as triggering silly, irrelevant posts like this one

Fox News has posted an article today on the sporting goods retailer Bass Pro Shops, and why not? It’s a slow news day, after all, but they chose to illustrate the piece with a stock photo of commercial cod fishery boat off of what appears to be Iceland and seem to identify it as a “Bass Tracker”. In fact, Bass’s “Tracker” boats are small, fast skiffs designed and built for pursuing freshwater bass on small lakes and ponds.

The Tracker as depicted by Fox:

The actual Bass Pro Shops Tracker:

If Fox’s photo editor weren’t so lazy, thrx could simply have lifted a picture from the Bass Pro’s website, as I have done. But sadly, I doubt that editor has any idea that “boats” come in different sizes and serve different purposes, which would be on par with the media’s understanding of firearms.