From Rand Paul to RuPaul. Or, How to go from garnering 3% of the vote to 0.003% in one easy nomination
/Trump accepted the Libertarian Party convention’s invitation to appear and was roundly booed, especially when he told them, "You can keep going the way you have for the last long decades and get your 3 percent and meet again, get another 3 percent."
Sp, having rejected Trump (and even that ultimate whack job, RFK, Jr,), the delegates went with one of their own, a Mr. (?) Chase Owens. Here he is:
A lot of conservatives, including myself, hold libertarian leanings, but the party has grown increasingly as strident and as insistent on purity as the farthest-left Marxists, and, always irrelevant on a national scale, it’s now just a laughable organization to be ridiculed and then ignored. Trump doesn’t need them, but they might have benefitted had they joined him, however grudgingly.