Well, of course it is


Stephen Hayward, Powerline:

We’ve often cited the work of Roger Pielke, Jr. of the University of Colorado, who science Substack, The Honest Broker, is essential reading. What you should know about Roger (whom I know quite well) is that he is a centrist-liberal Democrat, believes climate change is a genuine future risk, and supports a carbon tax and other measures to fight it. But he also calls bull—- on a lot of climate extremism and exaggeration. His work has been cited by the “official” “consensus” scientific reports of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and he even forced Al Gore to change some of the claims Gore used to make about thermageddon.

For these heresies from Climate Groupthink, he is hated by the Climate Cult. One of the Wikileaks dumps a few years ago revealed that the deranged Tom Steyer worked assiduously on a pressure campaign on Nate Silver to get Nate to cancel Roger as a contributing writer for Silver’s 538.com, which unfortunately succeeded.

Today Roger has a new essay up at his Substack, “Climate Science is About to Make a Huge Mistake,” which reviews a lot of technical work on climate scenario modeling. Worth reading for it’s own sake, but today the important thing is that anyone who tries to post a link to the essay on Facebook will have it taken down in 10 seconds for violating Facebook’s “community standards.”

I decided to test it out, like this:

Ten seconds later, I got this:

Okay, why?

From demonatarizing conservative websites to outright censoring by Facebook (and major media —see, eg, Hunter Biden’s notebook non-coverage), we’re living in interesting times.