“He spent his life looking over his shoulder but he forgot to look both ways before crossing the street,” one police source said.

“Pay up, or Tony’s gonna come visit”

Genovese mobster ‘Tony Cakes’ ID’d as NYC pedestrian, 86, decapitated by DOT truck

>>>Brooklyn federal prosecutors in 2005 accused Conigliaro — who toiled for years in the wholesale cake business, selling sweets across the New York City area and running an Italian ice and gelato stand in Little Italy, according to court documents — of being a soldier in the Genovese crime family.

Conigliaro worked as a loan shark for the Genovese, the feds said in a four-count indictment.

>>> Grisly footage from the crash showed Conigliaro’s head severed several yards from his crumbled body — and a DOT driver, who was behind the wheel of a city truck when the elderly man walked against a traffic light to cross the street, looking teary-eyed and devastated.

“Now we know why that DOT guy was crying… he’s probably asking for witness protection,” one source said.

No sympathy for Mafia loan sharks.