Profiles in courage

New Jersey school district apologizes for offending Muslim group with question about ISIS terror group in quiz

'The question was offensive and contrary to our values of respect, inclusivity, and cultural sensitivity'

And this brave educator’s response:

"First, I sincerely apologize on behalf of the school district. Such incidents are unacceptable and do not reflect the standards we uphold for our educational community. We understand the deep concern and disappointment this has caused among students, parents, and the broader community. It is also important to recognize that one question does not define our entire school community."

… “It is crucial to emphasize that our schools are committed to fostering safe and respectful environments for all students, regardless of background, belief, race, or religion. We have a process in place for reviewing curriculum materials and have already initiated a review of this software, [and we will] continue to "provide cultural sensitivity training to all teachers and staff."

The complaint that caused the school district’s superintendent to lose his bladder control came from the group, “Teaching While Muslim”, “Working to actively include social justice, anti-racist, and anti-Islamophobic curricula and educators in our schools.” Here’s one of the site’s milder current posts: