How badly does the administrative branch of government want to bury Musk? Here are just a few examples.

You didn’t know that we’ve added a fourth branch of government to round out the three our racist, white supremacist founders established? Oh, you poor, nieve citizen, you.

Political Insider:

When Elon Musk purchased Twitter, the Biden administration was none too pleased. Mainstream media was also apoplectic with this purchase, rightly concerned that the free speech absolutist at the helm would allow counter voices on the platform, making it exponentially harder to drive the national narrative.

When asked if Mr. Musk’s purchase and the man himself should be investigated, President Joe Biden said it wouldn’t be a bad idea to “look into” Elon Musk, and when pressed about how that could be done, President Biden said:

“There’s a lot of ways.”

And indeed there are.

  1. Department of Justice (DOJ) pursuing criminal charges on alleged undisclosed personal benefits related to Tesla

  2. DOJ Civil Rights Division suit against SpaceX for alleged employment discrimination against foreigners

  3. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) demands X to turn over all internal communications related to Elon Musk

  4. FTC requesting X turn over a list of journalists who had access to X’s records

  5. Securities and Exchange Commission investigating Tesla for “forward-looking” statement regarding self-driving software

    US Fish and Wildlife Service reviewing alleged environmental damage caused by SpaceX rockets

The EPA, Fish and Wildlife, “The Office of Commercial Space Transportation” (who knew?)and the FAA (?!) have repeatedly stalled Space X’s program by demanding environmental impact studies for both the Texas and Florida launch sites, approving them, and then revising their requirements and ordering new ones. Just this past May 13, the FAA issued a new demand for new environmental statements for the already-approved launch site on Cape Canaveral; the site has served that purpose for literally decades, but why not another study? Why not another delay to give Boeing a chance to catch up?

Here’s one, possibly the most ridiculous example of what’s going on:

SpaceX had to capture a seal, put headphones on it, and play the sounds of sonic booms, then, presumably, ask it to show on the doll where the rocket hurt it. The feds wanted to know if seals were suffering PTSD or immediate harm from sounds of rocket launches. Why just seals? Whales and pufferfish have feelings, too. 

According to Musk, the seal population has increased around the launch zone, so maybe the sonic booms are a boon to seal sex.