If it saves the life of just one child ... and that child is mine

who wants to get the hell out of here? And whose parents contributed to my campaign

Gavin Newsom is moving his children AWAY from California's capital city... so his daughter can attend a $60,000-a-year private school in one of the wealthiest areas in the state

California Governor Gavin Newsom and his wife are moving their family to an exclusive part of the state so his daughter can attend a new private school.

The Democrat, touted as a future presidential candidate, will stay in his six-bedroom $3.7 million suburban Sacramento home with spouse Jennifer Siebel Newsom some nights of the week.

But he will relocate his children 90 miles away to Marin County in time for the fall semester, when his eldest child Montana will enroll at The Branson School - which has tuition fees of up to $60,000 a year.

“I’d just like to thank Chicago Teachers Union chief Stacy Gates”, Newsom told FWIW, “for leading the way, and giving me the courage to pull my own precious child from the shithole of a public school I’d been keeping her in for appearances sake and enrolling her in a decent school in a white neighborhood so that she’ll be prepared when she attends the Ivy of my choice.

“As head of her teachers union, Stacy was of course a fierce, vocal opponent of charter schools and school vouchers, just like my own teachers union is, yet she had no hesitation in taking her kid out of Chicago and into a suburban private school, because that’s what any parent would do if they loved their child — and had the money. to do it.

“So when I watched how Stacy did her rescue act with absolutely no consequences, I figured why don’t I do that too? If my voters aren’t used to Democrat politicians’ hypocrisy by now, they haven’t been paying attention the past fifty years. They’ll get over this by election time, if they notice at all.”