Uh huh

“C’mon, man, let’s put this in context: The number of fatal terrorist attacks undertaken by undocumented migrants who crossed our southern border is zero, and the number of Americans injured by foreign-born terrorists who entered the country illegally is zero.”

DHS identifies over 400 migrants brought to the U.S. by an ISIS-affiliated human smuggling network

Over 150 have been arrested, but the whereabouts of over 50 remain unknown, officials said. ICE is looking to arrest them on immigration charges when they are found.

But nit to worry, according to Congressman Himes, and according to ICE: “The official added that since ICE began arresting migrants brought to the U.S. by the ISIS-linked smuggling group several months ago, no information has emerged tying them to a threat to the U.S. homeland.” This is the same rationale the Democrat mouthpiece the New York Times used last year when the NYT labelled as false DeSantis’s statement during a debate last year that terrorists have enter entered our country through our southern border. The Times claimed that the statement was false because “no one’s been hurt so far.” Here’s that “fact-check”

DeSantis spox dunks on NYT 'fact-check' on terrorists entering southern border: 'Awaiting your correction'

The Times has refused to correct their false fact-check despite this report from NBC on June 11:

8 suspected terrorists with possible ISIS ties arrested in New York, L.A. and Philadelphia, sources

The men from Tajikistan came to the U.S. through the southern border and their criminal backgrounds checks came back clean at the time they crossed, officials familiar with the matter said.

The Times did report the June 11 story, and even admitted that there might be a danger here, but hasn’t retracted their label of DeSantis’ statement as false, and Jimbo Himes even disputed that, saying, in effect, “we must wait for another 9/11 before we sound the alarm”.

Will “The Paper of Record” issue a correction to its readers after today’s news of 400 ISIS members slipping across the border? Of course not; and it won’t recant even when the first wave of terrorists attacks hits, because that would be to admit they and their co-conspirators in the administration were wrong. That’s just not going to happen.