So it's no wonder Joe and his handlers have welcomed so many of them in — particularly the Chinese (UPDATED)

biden voters await pickup

Biden under pressure after countries refuse to take back illegal immigrants

House lawmakers are urging the Biden administration to do more to push back against countries, including China, who fail to take back their illegal immigrants amid an influx of nationals across the southern border.

The 14 Republican lawmakers, led by Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, are raising concerns about the record number of Chinese migrants that have flooded across the U.S. border in recent months, and that it is one of a number of "recalcitrant" countries who fail or who are uncooperative in taking back their illegal immigrants.

"This is concerning as China and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) pose grave threats to the United States’ economic and national security. In fact, China is one of 13 countries considered uncooperative or "recalcitrant," systematically refusing or needlessly delaying the repatriation of their citizens," they say in a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Fiscal Year 2023 set a record for the number of Chinese nationals coming across the border, with 24,314 nationals. With FY 24 still not finished, that mark has already been surpassed. It has raised a number of national security concerns, with lawmakers and officials warning that it could open the door to Chinese espionage.

Recently, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) touted a new charter flight of Chinese nationals, which it says was the first large charter flight since 2018. The lawmakers cite reports that fewer than 150 illegal immigrants were on the flight, while only 288 Chinese nationals were removed in FY 2023, only a small fraction of the tens of thousands coming across. 

DHS said that the flight was the result of efforts by Mayorkas to engage China "on areas of mutual interest" and the countries are working to reduce illegal immigration and disrupt smuggling.

"We will continue to enforce our immigration laws and remove individuals without a legal basis to remain in the United States," Mayorkas said in a statement announcing the flights. "People should not believe the lies of smugglers." 

Would-be border crossers have every reason to believe their smugglers; it’s the American public that shouldn’t believe the lies of the administration.

This refusal of return has been known for years, and the response has been to open the floodgates further.

Nov 15, 2021

Biden's new border problem: Nations won't take back migrants

[An] unprecedented number of migrant adults are coming from countries that make deportation difficult, primarily Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and Brazil. And since that article was written in 2021, the Chinese have arrived.

What are these industrious newcomers up to one they’ve gained what is sure to be permanent residency? Quite a few of them are busy in America, running illegal marijuana farms, such as those described by The Maine Wire:

Triad Weed: How Chinese Marijuana Grows Took Over Rural Maine