"Journalists": Lickspittle Lapdogs of their masters

Four days ago, Time Released this copy of its coming cover:

Then this happened:

On Monday, Democrat house organ Axios ran a column headlined, “How photographers view the photos of Trump’s assassination attempt.”

Zoom in: Multiple photographers worried privately in conversations with Axios that the images from the rally could turn into a kind of “photoganda,” with the Trump campaign using them to further their agenda despite the photographers’ intent of capturing a news event.

  • None would comment on the record for fear of losing future work.

  • A photo editor and photographer from a major news outlet said the “amount that publications have been using Evan’s photo is kind of free P.R. for Trump in a way, and its dangerous for media organizations to keep sharing that photo despite how good it is.”

The editors heard the dogwhistle, and obeyed, thus:

More at Instapundit.

And an appreciation of the photograph and the man who took it can be found here.

A Natural: Photographer Who Snapped Now Iconic Trump Rally Shot a Pulitzer Winner.