The Ladies Invisible ask, "If an Ohio town the size of Greenwich can joyfully accommodate 20,000 illegal aliens, why can't we?

Ohio city facing ‘significant’ housing crisis due to migrant influx

Large numbers of people entering or living in America illegally are exacerbating the housing crisis, including in areas like Ohio far from the border.

City Manager Bryan Heck of Springfield sent an urgent letter requesting federal aid to U.S. Sens. Tim Scott, R-S.C., and Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio. Despite the city’s ongoing advancements in housing projects, the sheer number of migrants arriving and residing in the area has strained resources to their limits.

“Springfield has seen a surge in population through immigration that has significantly impacted our ability as a community to produce enough housing opportunities for all,” Heck wrote. “Springfield’s Haitian population has increased to 15,000 – 20,000 over the last four years in a community of just under 60,000 previous residents, putting a significant strain on our resources and ability to provide ample housing for all of our residents.”

“Springfield has found a way to feed, house, and provide free medical care to these poor refugees from that shit hole of a country”, Greenwich Invisible founder Joanna Swomley told FWIW, “and if Springfield can do it, well by golly, then, so can we! Like Springfield, we can put them up 12 to a hoe — well, heck, up in Baldwin Farms, we can make that three dozen — and now that we’ve banned leaf blowers, there’ll be plenty of work for them as tweezer patrolmen (and women! And people assigned as children at birth) to keep our lawns as bright, fresh, and tidy as they’ve always been.”

Since January 2021, an estimated 12 million people have entered the country illegally, coming from more than 150 countries. If you’d like to adopt a dozen or so, please contact the “non partisan” — anyone can join, as long as they’re against Trump” — Greenwich Invisible Ladies at their website: they’ll ship you a busload at your convenience.