No sex, please, we're British

Globe Theater issues trigger warnings for Shakespeare's plays, citing suicide, violence, sexual content, and "misogynoir references"

(Most readers of this blog are, I’m sure, familiar with the term “Misogynoir”, and doubtless use it in their everyday conversations. I, however, am too bigoted and hateful to have even heard of the word, and to my shame, had to look up its meaning. For the benefit of any other racists and misogynists in the readership, I present Wikipedia’s definition:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Misogynoir is a term referring to the combined force of anti-Black racism and misogyny directed towards black women.[1][2] The term was coined by black feminist writer Moya Bailey in 2008[3] to address misogyny directed toward black transgender[4] and cisgender women[5] in American visual and popular culture.[6] The concept of misogynoir is grounded in the theory of intersectionality, which analyzes how various social identities such as race, gender, class, age, ability, and sexual orientation interrelate in systems of oppression.[7]

Misogynoir, of course, is not to be confused with “Transmisogynoir”, which is explained below:

Trans women of color experience violence at a greater rate than cisgender women of color or white trans women. This transmisogyny towards black people has been characterized as"" 'transmisogynoir'"".[15][11] The term "transmisogynoir" was created to refer to the intersection between transmisogyny and misogynoir, meaning the oppression of black trans women. Transmisogynoir comprises transphobia, misogyny, and anti-blackness. It was coined by Trudy of the womanist blog Gradient Lair.[16]