So, they want to be like US; how complimentary! (UPDATED)

French Left wants to welcome migrant boats and create special status for climate refugees

France will help migrants cross the Mediterranean and give special status to climate refugees if Left-wing parties win the elections on Sunday.

The New Popular Front brings together hard-Left, Green, communist and centre-Left parties in a coalition promising a “total break” with President Emmanuel Macron’s policies.

It came second to Marine Le Pen’s National Rally on Sunday in the first round of the snap parliamentary election. The second round for the National Assembly is being held on July 7.

Mr Macron and Ms Le Pen both backed tough new restrictions on migration last December.

  • [R]epeal laws including those delaying welfare payments to migrants and introducing migration quotas.

  • It will guarantee French citizenship to migrants’ children born in France, which the December law restricted. 

  • A new status would be created for “climate-displaced persons” and illegal immigrants would also be given access to healthcare, according to the group’s manifesto.

  • It also wants to revise reforms to EU asylum rules to ensure “a dignified welcome for migrants”.

  • The sea and land rescue agency for migrants would be set up at a European level, the joint programme for the Left-wing bloc said.

  • Mr Macron has described the coalition’s manifesto as “totally immigrationist” but it stretches far further than migration.

Net zero

  • The manifesto calls for a new climate plan to hit net zero by 2050 and a moratorium on new motorways on environmental grounds.

  • It also wants ecocide to be recognised as a crime and advocates the creation of an international court of environmental justice.



  • People undergoing gender transition should get access to fertility treatments for the first time, the New Popular Front said.

  • They would also be allowed to change their status on the civil register for free and the group would launch an effort to “to eradicate violence against LGBTQI people”.

  • Inter-ministerial plans to combat anti-Semitism and Islamophobia will also be launched.

  • The manifesto calls for equal pay between men and women and for the right for women to have leave during their periods. It earmarks €2.6 billion (£2.2 billion) to combat sexist and sexual violence.

Retirement and cost of living

  • The New Popular Front will reverse Mr Macron’s raising of the retirement age to 64 and “reaffirm the common objective of the right to retire at 60”.

  • It wants to bring back early retirement for jobs deemed physically or mentally arduous, which were abolished by Mr Macron, and introduce surcharges on high salaries.

  • The price of certain food products, energy and fuel will be frozen by decree.

  • The minimum wage will be raised from €1,399 net per month to €1,600 (£1,356). The disability allowance will be raised to the new minimum wage from the current maximum of €1,016.05.

  • The group also intends to restore the wealth tax abolished by Mr Macron, close tax loopholes and introduce a maximum inheritance. It also wants to increase inheritance tax.

Schools and housing

  • It plans to introduce compulsory rent controls in some areas and abolish a law facilitating evictions and increasing penalties for squatters.

“We French have always loved and admired you Americans”, Eco-warrior communist Pepé Le Pew told FWIW, “and we want to be like you in every way. Of course, we have been doing our best to bring La Belle France to a Third World status — Vive Égalité! — but you Americans are, as usual, so far ahead of us on this mission. Thank you for your example, and we’ll meet you in the dustbin of history.”

UPDATE. Stephen Green, at Instapundit:

MON DIEU: Is France Heading for a Civil War?

If the National Rally passes the 289 seats limit, Mr. Macron is supposed to call upon Mr. Bardella to form the cabinet. This would be seen as a casus belli by the militant far left. Alternatively, Mr. Macron may cite law and order concerns to bar Mr. Bardella from the premiership and form an “apolitical” or “technical” cabinet. A move that the right may construe as a coup d’Etat.

The far left’s “civil war” threats should not be ignored and are not. Shops and restaurants are already barricading. Mayors — including the most liberal ones — are begging for police and gendarmerie deployment.

They fear “punitive raids” by the well-trained urban guerilla fighters known as the black bloc — a kind of left-wing “Invisible Empire” that periodically pops up in France and in other European countries — and large scale youth riots and arsons, just like one year ago.

Even more ominous is the ethnic/religious dimension of the crisis. The French take much pride in laïcité, their traditional “wall of separation” between government and organized religion. Only religion — both as faith, culture, and community identity — is back on the map with a vengeance.

It is, first and foremost, a consequence of Islam’s spectacular rise over the past 50 years: a 1,100 percent growth, to about 12 million in 2024 from 1 million in the early 1970s, thanks to high communal birth rates, mass immigration, and conversions.

No matter how it plays out, this dangerous moment is the result of decades of French elites actively working against French interests.