Whine and cheese party for AWFLS is invaded by the transvestites because, well, that's the way the world works — just ask any female athlete

Hell, even the last supper’s been appropriated

A few days ago, The Ladies of Perpetual Grievance staged a massive phone-in to praise the elevation of the DIE Indian from useless idiot to useless idiot presidential candidate. Some actress summed up the feelings of all of them:

She then gushed about the moment that Biden stepped down and the vice president assumed the mantle of presumptive presidential nominee. "It was seismic. Cosmic, even. And since then—have you seen it? Have you seen Kamala glisten in the brilliance and shine of her true power and leadership? And what does that feel like? Feels like self-love."

But no sooner had the ladies hung up then, not to be outdone by the girls they wish they were, the country’s soy boys set up their own party line. I particularly liked this organizer’s call to action, “Calling all White Dudes For Harris! We up next”. Wow, it’s like he be almost black! Right on, man, I dig you absolutely.