We're in for quite ride; while it lasts

Elizabeth Warren: Yes, Kamala Will Grant Citizenship to All Illegals

Elizabeth Warren confirmed this morning that Kamala Harris will work with Congress to grant citizenship to the tens of millions of illegals inside our country.

Here’s what she said:

“I believe we need to create a pathway to citizenship. All of that is a part of what we need to do for comprehensive immigration reform. Kamala Harris will work with Congress and get that done.”

I know this isn’t a shock to you or me – we know this about her. But the media is trying to whitewash her record as a radical leftist and I’m glad Warren, who served with her in the Senate and knows her very well, said this for all to here.

Kamala will reward illegals with citizenship, which means more and more will continue to come. And she will let them all in.

Unrelated, but related:

William Barr: The growing threat behind Biden's Supreme Court proposal

Americans need to understand that the campaign to radically change the Court is coming.  While current proposals like term limits for the longest-serving justices and an imposed code of ethics threaten the Constitution and the separation of powers, the far left is demanding that Court be packed with additional liberal justices.  Whoever the Democrat nominee for President is, if they win, that is exactly what will happen, and it only takes a majority vote and the signature of the President.

In fact, presumptive nominee VP Kamala Harris, who received Biden’s wholehearted endorsement, has already expressed support, stating she was "absolutely open" to court packing.

Transforming the Supreme Court into another partisan body would destroy the independence of the judiciary and threaten the civil liberties of all Americans.  Concerning such an idea, then-Senator Biden once said that changing the structure of the Court was "a bonehead idea" that would "put in question … the independence of the … Supreme Court."  He was right.  The last thing we need in this country right now is a Supreme Court coup that would threaten our democratic republic.