I'm so old, I remember when Dan Quigley at least pretended to be a Republican

A “Greenwich Republican”, admittedly, which is essentially just a Democrat in a Brioni blazer and Breton Bermudas, but still, a decade or so ago, you wouldn’t have found this now-former chairman of the local Republican Town Committee advising his fellow Democrats on election strategy and urging them to nominate a petty dictator like Gretchen Whitmer

QUIGLEY: It’s Time To Step Aside, Mr. President

“National Democrats have made this campaign about saving our democracy from Mr. Trump, a twice impeached and recently convicted felon whose authoritarian tendencies, proclivity to distort the truth and vows of exacting retribution upon his enemies warrant an extraordinary counter effort in order to prevent his reascension to power.

…. “By making the decision to step aside and putting his country ahead of party and personal ambition, Mr. Biden would ensure that his legacy [a legacy Quigley approves of, which says it all] would rest on solid ground with this final, selfless gesture. If stepping aside were to lead to a second defeat of Mr. Trump it would forever cement his place in history in the eyes of many Americans.”

“This leaves nominating a viable replacement as the essential next step in this important process. The Democrats have a deep bench of candidates from which to choose. Some are more problematic than others. Among the best options are Michigan Governor Gretchan Whitmer and Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, both of whom are young and popular governors in crucially important battleground states. A Whitmer/Shapiro ticket could generate the type of excitement that President Biden is simply incapable of producing. It would also likely attract critically important Independent and Undecided voters as well as disenfranchised Republicans [like Quigley] who will not vote for Mr. Trump and who are have grave concerns about the President’s physical and cognitive ability.


…. Mr. Trump has chosen to run a campaign based on the bleak theme that America is a “third world country” in perpetual decline, whose borders are being invaded by criminals and terrorists and whose streets are a cesspool of lawlessness. Despite the preposterousnous (sic) of these claims, [“we certainly don’t see this sort of distasteful behavior in Belle Haven”] … Only a younger, more energetic candidate [has] the vigor that is necessary to defeat Mr. Trump.

I am a lifelong Republican [uh huh] , and I will not be voting for Mr. Trump. But millions of Americans will. To avoid a second, more destructive Trump administration and in order to reinvigorate the Democratic and anti-Trump voter bases [who have now merged] it is apparent that the best course of action is for President Biden to withdraw his name as a candidate for the presidency and to pledge his considerable campaign organization and resources to support a younger, more capable candidate.


“In a recent interview, MAGA thought leader Steve Bannon described the movement as such; “We’re not reasonable. We’re unreasonable because we’re fighting for a republic. And we’re never going to be reasonable until we get what we achieve. We’re not looking to compromise. We’re looking to win.”. …. Let that sink in for a moment.”

Classic Quigley: “let’s compromise with our friends across the aisle, let’s find a good Democrat to lead the country while we docile Republicans help them achieve their goal of transforming America into a woke paradise, with justice for all”. Someone like Gretchen Whitmer, who shut locked down her state for months, kept the schools closed for years, has vowed to close down “Pipeline 5”, which supplies Michigan’s Upper Peninsula residents with the propane 55% of them use to heat their homes, and is an unabashed captive of Michigan’s state employees union — now that’s a candidate Quigley can support.

Quigley want’s to preserve his president’s legacy, which encompasses:

  • Fleeing Afghanistan, leaving Americans behind to die and millions of dollars of military weapons and equipment for the Taliban’s use;

  • Handing Iran hundreds of millions of dollars to fund its terrorist attacks on America and Israel;

  • Giving Russia a green light to invade Ukraine “as long as it’s just a ‘minor incursion’ (remember?)

  • Opening our borders to tens of millions of penniless, illiterate “newcomers” from around the world and failing to screen them for criminal and terrorist ties;

  • Defying the Supreme Court by using taxpayers’ money to pay off billions of dollars of other people’s student loan debts;

  • Printing trillions of dollars of imaginary money and releasing it into the economy;

  • Appointing hundreds of far-left federal judges to our courts;

  • Shutting down oil exploration and future production and blocking pipelines;

  • Forcing impractical, expensive electric cars on Americans who don’t want them, can’t use them, and can’t afford them

— we could go on, but this is the legacy, these are the policies that Quigley wants to see continue. Not since 1860 has a national election decided the fate and direction of our nation, but this year’s will, and Quigley is now a full-throated supporter of the Democrats’ vision of America. I‘d tell him to go to hell, but if his side wins, we’re all going to be there together, and I can speak to him personally.