(A little) real estate news to report this morning

686 Lake Avenue, corner of Clapboard, has sold for $2.850 million on an asking price of $3.0. It’s interesting to see that the same house was on the market for 230 days back in 2005, starting at $3.1 million and ending at $2.995 before expiring. Unrealistic pricing will do that.

round hill

And there’s a contract reported for 88 Round Hill Road. Asking price was $2.595, but it went in just 12 days, so that price may have to be adjusted upwards. 3,343 sq. ft. on an acre in the RA-2 zone, so expansion may be limited, but so what? Not everyone’s family size or ego demands a 10,000 sq. ft. sprawl.

I like it, and so, apparently, did at least two would-be buyers.